$47.00 USD

Hyperthyroid Foundations Online Course

Thank you for your interest in the Foundations of Overcoming Hyperthyroidism online course.  Incorporating the foundations is important for anyone with hyperthyroidism who wants to save their thyroid and regain their health.

This course consists of 5 detailed modules, along with a bonus module.

Please enter your email address and payment to gain access to the Foundations of Overcoming Hyperthyroidism online course.  You will receive an email with the access details.


If you have any questions about the online course please send an email to [email protected].

What People Are Saying:

I went from being scared and anxious about my condition (having just been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism) to feeling empowered and hopeful that I can overcome this. The level of detail that he goes into is incredible. All delivered in an easy to understand, step by step approach.

Marica Z

Dr Eric Osansky’s course is a wonderful foundational course. He provides a lot of content in a digestible and compassionate way. You’ll have a better understanding of the steps you need to take and the different options to consider. Highly recommend for anyone who is dealing with Grave’s disease!

Linda M

Dr Osansky's Foundations course is amazing. It's exactly where you need to start. Not being frantic and afraid like I was, but informed and empowered. This course will show you, step by step, what to consider and how to understand your condition Dr Eric is the best doctor to address issues of hyperthyroidism in my view in that he has overcome Grave's Disease himself! He has a truly compassionate attitude toward every person struggling with this condition and remains abreast of all the latest research. The Foundations course gave me confidence and hope. If you're on the fence trying to decide - don't be. You're going to be glad you got it. It's worth every penny and then some.

Alex Z

When I was first diagnosed I knew nothing about Grave's. I found Dr. Eric's foundations course to be comprehensive and extremely informative. He took the guess work out of what to do by giving specifics. Since he put his own Grave's disease in to remission that makes me feel very hopeful that I can too. I highly recommend this course for anyone who has this disease or just seeking more information. You won't be disappointed.

Kathleen R

This course covered everything you need to know! I wish I'd had access to this when I was first diagnosed 20 years ago. It would have set me up with a clear path to follow and helped me understand why I needed to follow it. I've been living with Graves for many years and have used natural methods to keep it under control – taking bugleweed and motherwort all this time. However I’ve not really understood that I could go further than just managing symptoms, but actually work on and potentially change things covered in this course – like auto immunity, finding triggers, healing the gut, & managing stress. Also I’m so grateful that Dr Eric is specialising in Graves (so few practitioners I’ve seen over the years have experience with hyper symptoms rather than the much more common hypo) and that he is so generous with sharing his knowledge.

Wendy - Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Eric’s course was incredibly helpful in a stressful time in life. After being diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and referred to an endocrinologist who can’t get me in for months, Dr. Eric’s course has provided me with useful tips on how to manage my symptoms and I’m so happy to say that they are working!
